Nomad Life

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. Mine consisted of a few naps, more shopping, and lots of work. I picked up my mattress as well as a laptop.  I returned the GPS I purchased in favor of an RV specific one. I know, I don’t really need […]

Holiday Weekend

The final purchase of the weekend and probably one of the most important of my RV living:   The above, my friend, is a clear elbow for flushing the black water tank. It isn’t really necessary, but I have been told it makes the job a whole lot better. You […]

Final Purchase

Another item I wanted for a couple of months, but hadn’t gotten around to picking it up, was a GPS system. I know, I could just use my phone, however, there are a couple of downsides. 1. It uses my data and I need all I can get. 2. If […]

More Toys

I was not feeling well last week and did not get a lot accomplished on the RV. We still made progress, just not a lot. I did manage to make a few purchases while I was feeling under the weather. Since I don’t have a lot of other progress, I […]

Big Spender

Yesterday, I gave you a heads up that Johnny was back. You know that means we made some real progress,so I hope you are excited as I am.  Not to mention, the minion was a sanding beast. Johnny and my friend replaced the rotted board around the outside/under bed storage. […]

Bedroom Update, I’ve Clearly Lost Count