We covered the very last of the bedroom floor with Mighty Seal Sunday.
Now you see it:
Now you don’t:
I will probably go over a few places a second time (or third) time.
This does make sweeping the floor a little easier.
All weekend my friend was talking about how we should have used a sheet of rubber under the fresh water tank instead of Mighty Seal.
All weekend my face was like:
And my friend was all: “It would have been much better than the spray sealer.”
Then my face like:
I really need to learn to stand up a little more for my own ideas. Unfortunately, when two guys who have some experience are telling me to do something else, I’m like:
One thing I have noticed, at least with most of the men I have done projects with. Whenever I am doing something well and capable of doing it, the guy wants to take over. Sometimes, literally taking it out of my hands. If I actually have a problem and need help. It’s like a ghost town. What is up with that?
Then my face is like:
Y U No help when I need it?
All faces brought to you by Memebase: The best time waster on the webs.