My Baby Is Having A Baby


I know that line is supposed to be a husband singing about a wife, BUT my plant baby is having a plant baby!

If you knew how many plants I have callously murdered, you would understand how significant this is. I actually thought I killed the adult plant.  I didn’t transplant it for months.

A coworker admonished me frequently.

I was known as the girl that brought the flowers for quite some time at work.  Around Christmas, I bought a poinesettia for the price of a bouquet. And it had glitter. After two months it died. I realized two months was better than two weeks and I bought another plant.

I have no idea what I am doing and didn’t know I was supposed to keep water in the flower “cup.”

Yet, here it is flourishing and having a baby all it’s own.

I feel like Mother Earth Goddess between this plant and the topsy turvies.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.