Monthly Archives: June 2013

Yesterday, I gave you a heads up that Johnny was back. You know that means we made some real progress,so I hope you are excited as I am.  Not to mention, the minion was a sanding beast. Johnny and my friend replaced the rotted board around the outside/under bed storage. […]

Bedroom Update, I’ve Clearly Lost Count

*Johnny, practicing his mad ninja skills. My plan was to sell the awning, as I previously mentioned. However, everyone agreed that it was really nice. I’m not that impressed. I will give it a chance though. With proper sealing, it may grow on me. It was nice to work under […]

The Awning

Fiesta Flatware from JC Penny’s online. When I was trying to decide on the secondary color for my kitchen, I just couldn’t decide. The determining factors were:  It is going to be the same color and connected to my living room. It is also right next to the bathroom/bedroom which […]

Fun Stuff