I have updated the bedroom and bathroom lists. So close, yet so far. If you want to see where I started, click here. I’m working on pulling stills from the video.
I tried a panoramic shot. It turned out a little funky. You can see some of the dings on my pretty walls. The room is now more than an inch smaller in width. I don’t know how that happened since we did not touch those walls. We just hired […]
When I lived with my Grandma, I really got used to hanging my clothes on the line. She has a sweet set up. Her laundry room opens onto a covered deck. On this covered deck she has her clothes line. It’s right there. I thought once I moved into the […]
I still haven’t touched the elephants and the owl. I keep them on my scanner at work, hoping to figure out what to do next if I stare at them long enough. Today, I brought in the giraffes and hummingbird to show a consultant to the company. I sat […]
I hope you are ready for some more before and afters, cuz that’s what I’m all about. Thanks to Johnny this shower went from dingy yellowed white to bright white. It’s so pretty it hurts. Oh it just doesn’t stop, the pain from the pretty. After […]
I already had one cherry tomato from my plants, but this is the first time I’ve had a full on mini- harvest. I’m so excited. When I go home tonight, I’m going to make spaghetti using those three big beauties. I will add the cherry tomatoes to a salad at […]
I have a couple of posts about the bathroom this week. This is what one wall of bathroom looked like: This is what it looks like now: Clearly, I picked the orange. We still need to sink in and spackle the finishing nails, add crown molding, baseboards, and some vertical […]
I’m going to show you the bedroom before it’s finished. Last weekend, I thought I would surely get the the bathroom all finished (except the floors.) Then I couldn’t find any hinges/handles for the cabinets. I messed up the counter top so I have to sand that. Okay, so the […]
One thing that really worried me about the whole, living in an RV things, was dumping the black tank. I’ve heard horror stories and I knew this would be a make it or break it task. I watched youtube videos and read a few tips. Then I bought the clear […]
I think this is going to be the last bedroom update until it is “finished.” I don’t know if I will replace the lights yet so it may not be finished for a few more months. Luckily, the rest of the bedroom may be finished in a week or two. […]
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. Mine consisted of a few naps, more shopping, and lots of work. I picked up my mattress as well as a laptop. I returned the GPS I purchased in favor of an RV specific one. I know, I don’t really need […]
The final purchase of the weekend and probably one of the most important of my RV living: The above, my friend, is a clear elbow for flushing the black water tank. It isn’t really necessary, but I have been told it makes the job a whole lot better. You […]
I will take a break from sharing my spoils to show you the little progress that was made. The section to the right and the wall to the left were the last pieces in the bedroom. That’s right, the bedroom is completely walled in. Now to finish puttying/sanding. […]
Another item I wanted for a couple of months, but hadn’t gotten around to picking it up, was a GPS system. I know, I could just use my phone, however, there are a couple of downsides. 1. It uses my data and I need all I can get. 2. If […]
I was not feeling well last week and did not get a lot accomplished on the RV. We still made progress, just not a lot. I did manage to make a few purchases while I was feeling under the weather. Since I don’t have a lot of other progress, I […]