
I hope you are ready for some more before and afters, cuz that’s what I’m all about.


    showerbefore2  shwerafter2

Thanks to Johnny this shower went from dingy yellowed white to bright white.

It’s so pretty it hurts.

showerbefore3  showerafter3

Oh it just doesn’t stop, the pain from the pretty.

After I cleaned and stripped the caulk Johnny got in there with a spray paint can. First we used Rustoleum’s plastic paint which I also used on the sink and toilet.  Unfortunately he ran out and we made an emergency run to Lowe’s. They did not have white plastic paint so we went with Valspar’s paint.  The over spray was ridiculous.  He really preferred the Rustoleum.  He was also completely covered in spray paint when he was finished.

I’m a bit jealous. He did this in 3-4 coats, without any drips. He didn’t need to sand at all.


I don’t have a before for this image because I want to wait until I get the faucet and shower head installed. If you think the pretty hurts now, just wait.

I wanted this picture up now though, to show you the progress in the bedroom.

We have one row of ceiling tiles up and the dresser is sitting in it’s spot.

I added hardware to the drawers and set them in as well.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.