Monthly Archives: November 2015

I thought I would share some links for sketching since we started the Sketch-A-Long this week. 10 Sketching Tips For Beginners Top 10 Mistakes Beginners Make Need ideas? The Every Day Matters Facebook Group is full of inspiration. I never post to the group, but I love the sketches that […]

Link Love – Sketching

I was slow getting started today.  I began reading The Martian for book club and got a little sucked in. I had just convinced myself to start my new  painting and gathered my materials when my older brother called.  We barely hang out so I went to his house for […]

Almost Does Not Cut It.

I’m fighting the urge to run to Florida.  I miss the area and all my friends there. The fact that the weather is turning in Illinois does not help matters. In the time that I’m not officially blogging, I’m thinking about the direction I want to take the blog. I’ve […]

The Itch