The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. — Chinese Proverb Beasley says, “I’m over here enjoying all your sunshine while you earn me some kibble.”
Everyone has an opinion. We all know this. I’m either told I’ll never make it or people gush on a regular basis. There’s never an in between. No one says, “Meh, you’re okay.” or, “You can earn a moderate income doing that.” Although, I have gotten a couple, “You’re not […]
I thought I would share some links for sketching since we started the Sketch-A-Long this week. 10 Sketching Tips For Beginners Top 10 Mistakes Beginners Make Need ideas? The Every Day Matters Facebook Group is full of inspiration. I never post to the group, but I love the sketches that […]
My sketch of what I’m thankful for. Although the list is long, I’m very thankful that not only is the weather beautiful today, but that I’m in a location where I can pack the dogs in my car and let them run loose for an hour or so. Either I […]
Would you like to sketch with me? People are always so interested in drawing and they want to learn, but they seem really self-conscious or they think it has to be taken so seriously. If you remember my Bad Dog or Bad Grandpa comics, you will know, sometimes, stick figures […]
I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. –Michael Jordan Lola says, “It’s okay if […]
Let’s talk about podcasts. I love podcasts. I don’t remember how or why I started listening to them, but they’ve changed my life. That’s not an exaggeration. I used to just turn on some music and get to work, but I’ve found I like podcasts even better. Although, when I’m […]
I was slow getting started today. I began reading The Martian for book club and got a little sucked in. I had just convinced myself to start my new painting and gathered my materials when my older brother called. We barely hang out so I went to his house for […]
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. — C. S. Lewis Lola says, “This isn’t a run through. Put on some real pants and make it happen. Seriously.”
I’m fighting the urge to run to Florida. I miss the area and all my friends there. The fact that the weather is turning in Illinois does not help matters. In the time that I’m not officially blogging, I’m thinking about the direction I want to take the blog. I’ve […]
I love the Golden Pond site at Land Between The Lakes. There’s a bison/elk habitat, a planetarium, hiking trails, a river, and a nice little town named Murray. I love Murray. Not to live there but to visit for a week or two is just fine with me. This time […]