Link Love

Let’s talk about podcasts. I love podcasts. I don’t remember how or why I started listening to them, but they’ve changed my life. That’s not an exaggeration. I used to just turn on some music and get to work, but I’ve found I like podcasts even better. Although, when I’m driving for hours I like books on tape. Ones on becoming a successful creative.

Back to the podcasts, not only do they help me focus while cleaning or painting,  and even sleeping, they really help with my motivation. They distract me from the intense anxiety that crops up around painting and  they give me great ideas.
Here are my favorites:



These really help me to keep going when nearly everyone around me thinks being an artist and living in an RV is ridiculous. It’s very hard to do what is in my heart when most people are telling me I’m kidding myself or saying things like, “Who does that?”  in a really condescending tone.  I need help reminding myself that people actually live wonderfully strange lives on purpose. That life does not have to center around making money to buy clothes and a car you need for work. Not that there is anything wrong with that, either. I just don’t want it and people try some very creative ways to force it on me.

The Accidental Creative

The unmistakable Creative

TED Radio Hour (I also have TED Talks Audio)  If I had my way, every single public television, i.e. gas pump TVs, would only play TED Talks by law. I’m a benevolent tyrant.

How To Be Amazing

The Chalene Show I actually listen to both.



This American Life

Radio Lab




Artists Helping Artists

Become A Pro Blogger 

The Social Media Examiner

The last two are new to me, but Artist Helping Artists is my most listened to podcast and they mention The Social Media Examiner all the time.



Sleep With Me

We all have trouble sleeping now and then. I am usually out before the intro is finished. These work really well for me if I wake up in the middle of the night and need to fall back to sleep.

I subscribe to so many more podcasts. These are the ones I listen to consistently (except for the last two in the Art/Business section. I’m sure they will become regulars though).

I use to use Beyond Pod for subscribing to the casts, but every time I got a new phone I had to set up my list. I’m currently using Pocket Cast.  I can log into Pocket Cast and I’m hoping, save my subscriptions.

Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones? Please share in the comments. Like books, I can never have enough podcast subscriptions.



About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.