I haven’t touched this for a few weeks. With the holidays and work and taking care of my Grandma’s Dr appointments and things, I’ve been procrastinating.
Please take a moment to look at my patreon and donate to this project. I’m very close to starting my second painting and I would love to share the process with you.
Sketchbooks can be anything you want them to be. Normally, mine are filled with random things. They’ve been started one year, added to another, and finished in yet another year. Many people like to create themes for their sketchbooks. All dogs in one, all flowers in another. The ones I’ve […]
Lately I tried posting from the WordPress app on my phone and iPad. Unfortunately, it has turned into a mess. Some posts post twice, others post a previous, half finished version, even though it was published as finished. Still others have not posted at all or on the wrong scheduled […]
If you aren’t doing what you love, you’re wasting your time. — Billy Joel Coffee says, “I’m waiting just for you. Follow the light. I’ll treat you right. “
Losers visualize the penalty of faluire. Winners visualize the rewards of success. — Unknown “If you put on some pants and go to work, maybe you could buy yourself some pillows. These? Oh no. These are mine.”
Here are a few sites to look at over the holiday weekend if you find a spare minute. 6 Ways To Improve Your Sketching Artslug Drawing Skills Before and After
From my family to yours. If you’re wondering why Lola got a naughty cookie and it’s broken, do you see her face? The thug life didn’t choose her, she hunted the thug life down and beat it into submission. I thought people might think I was mean because I bought […]
I haven’t done gestures in a very long time. I need to make more time to do these. They are so fun and rewarding, even the bad ones. These were 1 minute.
This post is in response to Lauren at Hipstercrite. I saw this post last night. I think it’s hilarious and completely valid. I will do my best to answer her very pressing questions. Dear Lauren: I realize I’m a little late to the party, but here goes. My house […]
Here’s what I really like to sketch with. I have another sketchbook I prefer if I’m doing watercolor, but we’ll talk about that more in the future. This is a $3.99 or maybe $4.99 sketchbook I buy from Dick Blick. Fabriano is the name brand. They make really good paper. […]
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. — Anais Nin Beasley says, “While I appreciate the fact that Lola is the elf this year, kibble does not buy itself.” Lola whispers softly to herself, ” On the twelfth day of Christmas, I’m going to slaughter them in […]
Here’s this week’s sketch. I wanted to be funny and draw something everyone who really knows me has seen. My grumpy “leave me alone in eating and trying to remember how to function” look. This is a time I could have used a kneaded eraser to pick out some highlights, […]
At least, not entirely. I’ve been having this discussion since art school. Mostly with kids in art school who learned simply to parrot what sounded cool instead of considering what it actually meant. After one such occasion, when a girl snobbishly used that quote to argue a point I had […]
Last week we went over values a little bit and I gave you a quick exercise. I recommend doing that exercise with every drawing tool you use, especially if you are a beginner. If you have a set of pencils, do one with every single pencil. You will see the […]
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The Weather says, “Suck it up, Buttercup.”
Here is my very quick sketch for this week’s theme of what object represents me. Everyone makes fun of my books and the fact that I tore out my RV couch and put a bookshelf in its place. A beautiful, cedar shelf I built myself, but who’s asking? Most of […]
Last week we discussed 3 values. Shadow, mid-tone, highlight. Obviously, values are infinite and the more you have the more realistic your sketch will appear. One exercise that will help you see and achieve more subtle values in your drawing is the study above. Draw a long rectangle and split […]