Yet Another Brief Update.

Hey! How have you been?

I have some good news, I hope. I’m revamping this blog. I have 104 post ideas and I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks making rough drafts and hopefully having someone else edit them.  That’s a year’s worth of content that I’m passionate about and/or will help you become a better art buyer.

That’s right. It’s going to be all about you. Well, us. It will be all about us, together. I’ll enjoy writing it and you’ll enjoy reading it. I’m going to teach you all kinds of things you wanted to know, but didn’t know you wanted to know. It’s going to be great. Me and you against the art world.  High five. We got this.

I’m still going to have the Motivation Monday posts and the art posts and the occasional bad dog comic. I’ll keep the RV Life posts around too when there’s something good going on or I find a great spot to share.

That’s a ton of content for the next year.  You have a reason to come around and hang out with me. I don’t have to feel like I have nothing to offer. Win. Win.

As far as daily paintings and where I’m painting on location, you may want to check out my Facebook business page or Twitter.  My posts to Facebook go straight to Twitter. I don’t understand Twitter and only use it for live tweeting my bad experiences with AT&T.  So there’s that.

If you want exclusive looks at new art and dibs on buying it, that’s my newsletter.

If you want more dog pics, that’s my dog Instagram account. 

RV pics?  I’m working on an RV Instagram.

Art? Art Instagram.

Just come back and see all the other stuff too, okay?

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.