To The Make-Over, Batman

After the failed attempt at plumbing we managed to hang a mirror and level the cabinet.  Oh, my friend built a new toilet box/stand/support.

I also cut some board to cover the pipe and my friend cut the trim. He realized he put it on the wrong boards so that is why it is upside down and not fitting correctly in the photo.  Not that I did an excellent job with the circular saw.


I also painted the column, but not the trim, we cut and painted the back splash, and I sanded the walls for touch ups and touched up the orange paint.  I need to buy a sample pot of the orange to finish the trim around the door. Originally, I was going to replace it, but it looks okay painted.



I know it isn’t much to look at, but this is where we were two months ago today:

Part of me can’t believe the difference and of course, another part of me is asking why we aren’t finished yet. However, if you take into account the bedroom as well as the bath, it is kind of bad ass.

After all, this is two, sometimes three people working just on the weekends. Sometimes we do something Friday night, but usually not and we stop between noon and 5 pm on Sunday.  Plus we don’t actually get started until about 11am on Saturdays.  We have breakfast and we make the first trip to the store.

Okay, now we just sound lazy. We usually work until 7 or 8 on Saturdays.  If I leave at noon or one, when I go to Sunday dinner with my family, we really bust it out in the morning.

Plus, I don’t want to kill us. I still want it to be a fun experience for everyone.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.