Happy Thanksgiving!

Sketch, graphite on paper, ©ElishaDasenbrock2015

Sketch, graphite on paper, ©ElishaDasenbrock2015

My sketch of what I’m thankful for. Although the list is long, I’m very thankful that not only is the weather beautiful today, but that I’m in a location where I can pack the dogs in my car and let them run loose for an hour or so.  Either I have been too busy or the weather has been too nasty to let them run free lately. I took them on a few long walks, but Gunnar, especially, was needing to let off a little steam.

They are now sleeping very peacefully. Completely leaving me alone to work some more.  That was the other great thing about this morning. I was able to work outside while sitting in the sunshine.  The dogs played while I read and sketched.  That would really be part of my perfect day.

As for the sketch, it is quite simple. I was afraid to sketch. It had been awhile and I was nervous. What if I did the worst sketch of my life and looked like an idiot in front of everyone?! I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do. I have so much to be grateful for. It was also hard to decide because I just didn’t want to get started. So I tricked myself. I told myself if it was awful, I could always do another.  Sitting there putting it off wasn’t going to get me a good sketch, but actually sketching would.

I also used a page in my sketchbook that I already scribbled on so the pressure was less.  I opened my phone to a picture I took of Gunnar a few minutes before and took five minutes to doodle. Whew, do I feel better. None of my fears came true. I can actually draw, it wasn’t a dream. I’m not making it up in my head.

Page from my sketchbook, graphite and pen on paper, ©ElishaDasenbrock

Page from my sketchbook, graphite and pen on paper, ©ElishaDasenbrock

Above is the full page to show you, it doesn’t have to be perfect. That’s also a preview of next week’s lesson.

Now, more of what I’m thankful for:

  • Quiet dogs.
  • Friends and family.
  • Acquiring gallery representation and building relationships with the amazing people at the gallery and in Florida.
  • The gallery consistently selling my work.
  • Painting enough paintings for the gallery to sell consistently.
  • The opportunities I’ve been given.
  • The neighbor who has known me since I was born, letting me park in her driveway so I could spend the majority of this year with the aforementioned family and friends.
  • The opportunity to work a part-time job so I can afford to stay in one place for a while.
  • 2015 has been, by far, the best year of my life. In terms of productivity and level of overall happiness and well-being. I’m really comfortable being me and I know I’m doing exactly what is in my heart.
  • All the little things, from new experiences and familiar surroundings.  This year was packed with everything that makes up life. No two days were the same. There are so many new people in my life and it took me this long in the list to realize it because it feels like they have always been there.  Life is 100% experiences and this year has been a true cornucopia.
  • And of course, you. Thank you for reading my blog and sharing a part of my life with me. I hope your day is filled with whatever makes your heart sing.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.