I have wanted to start gardening for a few years now, but I thought the dream of home grown tomatoes would have to sit on the back burner while I lived my dreams of gypsy life.
I had a brilliant idea for a bumper garden and Google quickly showed me others did too.
I have not built the bumper garden, but I have supplemented with the Topsy Turvies.
My tomato TT has cherry tomoatoes, which I love in scramble eggs or with spinach, Early Girls, I’m hoping will, ya know, be ready early in the season, and I believe some Allstars. There were no Big Boys or Beefsteak when I went.
Now for my strawberry TT. I don’t even remember what is all in here. I have 6-7 strawberry plants. Mostly Ozark and one other kind. One fruits (berries?) in late spring, the other all season.
I also have asparagus (which I’ve been told will probably not work), raddichio, lettuce, brussel sprouts, green beans, red and green peppers, and spinach. There may be more.
If I plant a bumper garden I will add cauliflower, some more lettuce, and some things I just can’t put in the TT.
I bought carabiners to hang the TTs from L brackets already on the RV.
One of my tomato TT wires broke as I was putting it up, hence the lid popping up. I will fix that eventually.
I have no idea if the strawberry planter will work for everything. I’m just winging it at this point. My Ninja brother Johnny came up with the idea. He’s a Ninja, I couldn’t argue.
I know what you are thinking. No, the TTs will not hang there as I’m driving down the road.
If you look at my Master To-Do list, you will see a shower rack. I hope to hang the plants from there while mobile.