So I’m only two months into my bullet journal obsession so I’m not an expert by any means. However, I have found some things I love. And I did tell you Sunday, I’d share my favorite things, so let me show you.
My favorite type of page is any which track something. habits, savings, moods, gratitude, books, self-care, etc. I do use it for monthly and daily spreads, but I just love keeping track of things. I’m thinking of using one for personal and one for business, but I’m not sure if that’s really necessary yet. Most likely, in the future, I will use them for everything. I can see myself having one for marketing, one for painting, one for blogging. Just because I’m a nerd. My normal notebooks are all fine for those things. Maybe when I’m particularly proud of a few pages I’ll share them.
The actual bullet journal. Yes, I did buy the real thing. Mostly because I love the teal color. I don’t mind supporting the person either. It’s a great little book and the pocket keeps the fonts I like to copy in the back. Oh and let me mention, they have label stickers so you can archive them when you’re done. That’s sexy. There’s a video on there too and a blog. I just bought this pink one in case I decide to make one just for business. I actually have two large notebooks, one in each of these exact colors, for business and personal things. This one is $5 cheaper too.
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I have a bullet journal plastic template. The only thing I use it for is the “water drop” type apostrophe’s or whatever they are supposed to be. I use it to track my water intake. I have used it for the hearts and the stars, but not much else yet. You could go broke just buying stencils from Etsy. Any kind you can imagine. I did see a cute weather one that I’m thinking about, but I don’t know. I have my phone for the weather. Plus, I’m taking a no-spend month. Of course, there’s gonna be a page for that.
What I use the most is a square ruler:
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Next, my all time favorite pencil. I think I spent $14 on mine and would pay that again, easily, so this is a good deal. I’ve had it for 11 years and it is still my favorite. Mine is .7mm, but I couldn’t find that. Just make sure you use an HB lead or maybe 2H. You want a harder lead so it doesn’t smear, but not so hard when you write, it leaves an impression. At least if you want to erase it:
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I use these erasers. I just like them the best if I don’t need a kneaded eraser.:
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Now the really fun part. Markers. Grab a chair, this is gonna take a while.:
First, the most amazing, but they do ghost and don’t even think about getting the ink wet, unless you like that kind of thing. (I do, but not necessarily in my bullet journal.) I just really love TomBow and if you do any kind of sketching and haven’t tried these, do yourself a favor.This is actually less than I paid so I’m a little jealy:
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Crayola Super Tips Washable Markers. These seem to fade, but I love the choices. I mostly use them for my mood tracker. You can make thin and thick lines. I’m not providing an affiliate link because Amazon doesn’t have the 100 ct and the 80 ct is more than I paid for the 100. I looked on Wal-Mart’s website so I could get you something, but they don’t have them listed either.
Faber-Castell PITT artist pen XS. I use these markers for every single thing. I love sketching with them. I can’t find a single, even on Blick’s website. I usually pick up a few at the store when I’m there. I will link to the 8 pack because there are different tips and you may like one better than the XS. They are great so I don’t think it would be a waste to get a variety. You can always send any extra to me. ;):
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I also have the pastel set in brush tip:
My next favorite markers, because I can get a .05 and another tiny size, are the Copic Multiliner SP. You’re probably going to think I’m crazy for paying $10 for a marker, but these are metal barrels and refillable which I really wanted. I’m always running dry on the Faber-Castell and those aren’t exactly cheap so I was hoping to find something a bit less costly. I don’t believe I achieved it, but I did get an extra fine marker and it is lasting a while.:
My latest find is kind of awesome. Sharpie pens, size fine. They come in all kinds of colors and they don’t ghost! What?! I know! This pack seemed like the best deal. I have a couple of packs and I bought them at Wal-Mart.:
I mentioned I have different fonts printed out so I can have pretty lettering. My handwriting is terrible. Now, I get my fonts from 1001 Fonts. We used that site in school and I still use it. I download the font I want and in the file there’s a page with all the letters and numbers. I just printed that to the size I needed, trimmed the paper and put it in the pocket. My favorite is Discover Beauty. I use it for all the smaller stuff. I change up the headlines, though. Even as I went to look for that one I downloaded 3 new ones.
Two other things I’m using:
I like my signature, but one reason I don’t sketch more is that my handwriting makes everything look awful. I used to love practicing my penmanship and cursive, but it just does not look very good.
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I wish my teachers had actually known how to teach left-handed people how to write. My instructions were literally, “Okay, anyone who’s left-handed, do what I just told the right-handed kids, but with your left hand.” It was especially pointless because the teacher said she was showing the right-handed kids first so I didn’t pay attention for that part. This was at a Catholic school, too. I’m surprised they didn’t tell me it was the devil and make me learn right-handed. I haven’t tried either of them yet, but starting this week I’m going to work on improving my handwriting. The calligraphy will have to wait until I have a calligraphy pen (see below) that actually works. I don’t know where my dip pens are at the moment.
I would like to try this one eventually. Mostly because it seems to be what all the cool kids are doing:
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I’ve bought several stamps to use, but I haven’t had a chance to test them out yet. I’ll let you know when I do. I also bought a fountain pen (I can even get left handed nibs for it!) and I have some glass nibbed fountain pins, but for some reason I can get neither to work yet.
This post contains affiliate links. All the images are affiliate links. The other links are not. You pay nothing extra. It just helps to support my page. Everything I have linked to is something I either personally use, or in the case of the last lettering book, that I want to try.