I think this is going to be the last bedroom update until it is “finished.”
I don’t know if I will replace the lights yet so it may not be finished for a few more months. Luckily, the rest of the bedroom may be finished in a week or two.
The above is after two coats of primer. As of right now, the room has been painted, the upper cabinets are sort of in, the water tank is ready to be connected, there is a layer of rubber underneath the water tank, and the bed is under construction.
About this step is when I felt like I finally got on an episode of Trading Spaces. By the end of the weekend I felt like I was on a Ground Hog’s Day episode of Trading Spaces.
That isn’t to say there won’t be blog posts. I’m working on one for the bed.
The above pic is also my first attempt at panoramic photography. If only I had this phone when I started.