The above from the end of last weekend. It wasn’t a great pic so I didn’t post about it. You can see from the upper right, the paneling was removed. This is the area that corresponds to the leak in the bedroom.
The toilet comes and goes.
There was almost no damage to the bathroom wall, but we discovered the window is very unstable. By removing the paneling we can fix that. There is also a metal stud running down the left side of the window at the edge of the panel we left in place.
This is the bathroom at the end of Memorial Day weekend. I didn’t take a picture up to the ceiling, but the entire wall to the vinyl siding is removed.
The carpet on the toilet platform is mostly removed, but it is wrapped around the “lid.” The lid that doesn’t actually open.
You can’t see in the picture, but the stud for the bed frame runs into the bathroom and has been installed.