Studio, Sweet Studio

I am already back in Illinois and I’m starting to move into my temporary studio for the rest of the year or so. The weather has been much warmer and I’m changing a few things with the ol’ art biz. I didn’t want to wait to start if the weather was as nice as it usually is in Florida at this time of year.

The changes aren’t really exciting for anyone but me so I’ll spare you the boring stuff.

I moved the essentials in the room this morning and am sitting here, with just a cat for company, I’m really happy. Silence. No dogs. Although, I will usually have at least one dog with me when I’m here, at least I can get away when I need to. Actually, two dogs if you count my brother’s adorable shih tzu. It’s his cat too. Speaking of which, he has decided to ruin my peaceful focus and step all over my keyboard, as cats are want to do.

Who could stay mad at that ferocious hunter though? That’s Smokey and he’s a sweetie. I say as I take ALL the Benadryl.

Studio shot to the left. There’s always a few books in the essentials.  And everyone needs a picture of their boyfriend on their desk. Mine just happens to be on a metal lunch pail and is a beloved video game hero from my childhood. I won’t judge your relationships, you don’t judge mine. He also holds all my paints for the time being.

And studio to the right. Of course, I had to put up the painting my very lovely and generous friend Cindi gave to me when we did the Art On The Creeks show in October.

My brother is fixing up his house so everything is bare bones and I probably won’t do much decorating. I’m easy to please. Quiet.With a window. Boom.

A very nice perk is I can ride my bike, Cleetus, to the studio every day. I missed riding her when I hurt my back last summer. I can actually ride her all over town so I’m getting rid of my car completely and getting myself some exercise every day. Ponchos will be my friend.

One change I am really excited about is data free internet! You know what I’m going to do? At least once a week, maybe every day, I’m going to do live painting on my Facebook business page. You can come and hang out with me and watch me paint in real time, ask me questions, just chat, or lurk if you prefer to lurk.

(I really love having a little kitten curled up next to my computer while I blog.)


Just a corkboard and a giant calendar and I should be all set for my first week in an actual studio again.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.