Life has been kicking my butt this month. My sciatica decided to cripple me for a good two weeks, then I had the worst migraine of my life. Yuck!

Now, if I had been on top of things, ya’ll wouldn’t have noticed a single glitch, but I’m not on top of things so I didn’t have enough scheduled posts. And that’s okay. I’m improving with this whole blog thing, just slower than I would like.

I am back to normal thanks to some pain meds, muscle relaxers, and a few chiropractor visits. The migraine sent me to the ER, but that’s another story and I’m all fixed up with that as well.

I do have some exciting news. I had an article in the local paper about my placing in the May Art Muse contest and I just signed up for another Sketchbook Skool class so I’ll have plenty of things to show off soon enough, I hope.  I don’t get paid for this plug, I just think the classes are great, even if they don’t use correct spelling. I’m already looking forward to the lettering one and the expressions one. I am currently enrolled in the stretching class.  If you want to learn to sketch, this is the way to go. Or you can check out my free lessons to dip your toe in. I started with these classes from the beginning, but I took some time off. I’m really happy to dive back in though. It’s been too long.

We will be back to our regularly scheduled program this week. I promise.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.