Monthly Archives: July 2016

Life has been kicking my butt this month. My sciatica decided to cripple me for a good two weeks, then I had the worst migraine of my life. Yuck! Now, if I had been on top of things, ya’ll wouldn’t have noticed a single glitch, but I’m not on top […]

So, now you know your primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Now, it gets good. Complementary Colors Oooooh yeah. This is why the color wheel is not arbitrary. Other than the fact that every color leads to another and it shows you which colors make the other colors, but whatev. Here’s […]

Basic Color Theory: Part 2 Complementary Colors

What’s the big deal about color theory? Thank God, somebody finally asked me. I’ll tell you.   That right there is a color wheel.  It shows your Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary colors.  When I picture a color wheel, my reds are to the left and blues to the right, but […]

Basic Color Theory: Part 1