Monthly Archives: November 2014

I love the idea of drawing on wood. These drawings are wonderful and so life-like, I had a moment of panic when I noticed his ear buds next to the “spilled” wine. At first glance, I also thought the pug was a sculpture, al la deer trophies.   Photo credit […]

Drawings on Wood

Looking through the art and culture section of Huffington Post, I came across two articles about hotels. My favorite is the Pantone Hotel: Photo credit, Pantone Hotels     But I would turn my nose up at any of these.

Art Hotels?

This is a little “everything but the kitchen sink.”  I could have split it up, but I’m hoping to have much more content coming soon. After Vandalia, I went to the very popular Starved Rock state park in Illinois for my birthday. Now I’m in one of the prettiest parks […]

Carlyle And Some Cool Happenings