I may have gone back to Michael’s and bought the last three of the Strathmore hard bound sketchbooks. I also bought a smaller size and 4 ringed watercolor sketchbooks for scrap paper. Those were half off at about 6 bucks a pop. Sketch skool!
I also bought a fountain pen because I love pen and ink but don’t want to carry everything with me all the time. I bought a set of Faber-Castel pens as well.
Pencil just makes everything so messy.
I did my first sketch for the online sketch class I signed up for. I heard about it from a woman in Florida, who is from St. Louis.
I bought a bunch of black ink for the fountain pen, but decided to go with red for impact. I’m excited.
I really don’t like my handwriting and I’m hoping the use of the fountain pen makes my handwriting more interesting. I also want to slow down and write more legibly.