A New Year, A New Home

I am extremely excited to announce I am now a member of The Bowery Gallery in Apalachicola, Florida.

Although, I am sadden to split with Cafe Con Leche, as they are so wonderful and supportive and in my experience really great to work with. They also sold two of my paintings over the last year, which was fantastic and exactly what I needed.  I’ll still continue to get my coffee there most days, as well as some really delicious food and daydream about their coffee and food when I’m not in Apalach. Unfortunately, and understandably, they couldn’t display my larger pieces so I felt my art would be better suited in a gallery setting for now. I do hope to work something out in the future because I really loved having my work there. I really can’t say enough nice things about the café. I’d be there day and night if they were open that often. I actually find myself disappointed most days when I realize it is past closing time and the opportunity to hang out there has gone for the day.

As for The Bowery,  I also seem to fail to run out of good things to say about this place.

Last February, I believe, I was in Sopchoppy, Florida. I stayed at a hunter camp that had some permanent residents. They were nice enough, but the kids were unruly. I had another neighbor that left a very bright light on all night long. It shone in my window, right through the Gayfield Design curtains we’d brought, at the time. All that to say, the first place I boondocked, my first real adventure was a total bust. I was grumpy one night and decided I was just going to do what one who lives in a house one wheels does in this situation. Drive away.

I had heard about this wonderful, RV friendly, artsy town. Sounded too good to be true……but what if it was true?

(Side note, those 3 little words, “but what if…” are probably my life’s motto. But what if it does work, But what if it is possible, but what if I can do it? SMH, they get me into more trouble and more wonder than any other 3 words I’ve ever uttered.)

I decided, to heck with it. I wanted a good breakfast and I was gonna get it, even if I had to drive over an hour to find it.  So to Apalach I went.

The worst that could happen was I’d spend a few hours and off I’d go on my merry little way.

But like it I did.

I first went to Caroline’s for breakfast and I was not disappointed. An adventure healing view with some ridiculously good bacon. MMMMM bacon.

After that I made my way over to the public parking, thinking I’d camp there for the night if I liked it. I started walking. I found myself in a small art gallery, not The Bowery, I’m getting there.  A very nice woman and I chatted for awhile and I believe she sent me to The Bowery. Somehow I ended up there next. I met David and Ginny and I was instantly charmed. Within just a few minutes of that meeting I knew I didn’t want to leave.  They told about the delicious food at The Pig’s deli, (that would be The Piggly Wiggly) and the part of town I would call my home for several weeks.  It was the first and so far only, gallery I could see myself being a part of.

I didn’t have any of my larger pieces, nor did I think I would have the out put a gallery would require so I only half heartedly followed up with the prospect of joining. I did, however, continue visiting the gallery and through serendipity met another artist represented by the gallery who really encouraged me to join.

I was also lucky enough to find Cafe Con Leche and start a great partnership with them.

And that brings us to 2015 and a new home for my art. I’m looking forward to seeing what this new partnership brings.

About Elisha

Elisha Dasenbrock is an award winning, international watercolor artist. She paints with a limited palette on claybord. Dasenbrock graduated from the American Academy of Art in 2009 and has been painting professionally ever since.