My babies are ready to go. Although, I am not the best judge of doggy clothing size.
The costumes were a very tough decision, but I felt they needed a realistic representation of their personalities.
Today I am starting a very short term employment opportunity. My friend’s mom needs a companion for 8 weeks. I guess 7 now since I was supposed to start Monday. There were a couple of mix ups and I am starting today. It is really the least I can do for my friend who has helped me in so many ways. I tried to do it for free, but he is pretty stubborn when he wants to be. It just so happened that I had the perfect schedule and can still do it much cheaper than any one else. And it gives me a bit of cash while we finish the RV.
Above is a quick look at my new living room floor. I love everything about my RV. It is still far from finished, but I sit in it and think, “Man, I LOVE my RV.” I have pictures and they are coming. The bathroom is 95% finished. I can take showers. My bed is now a convertible from full to twin. I ordered my new dinette cushions (should be here in 2 more weeks.) I am in the process of ordering bedroom curtains. We are building the living room walls.