This is what my door used to look like. It’s a little Plain Jane for my liking.
I was going through the Organize Your Art Biz class. One of the linked articles was about Feng Shui and making your entrance very inviting. I had already been thinking about doing just that. I wasn’t and still am not sure what I want to do with the door, but I think I’m off to a good start.
I taped the door off. Obviously.
When I went to the store I found some spray paint on sale for 2/$5. It was a pretty pink and that was what I was looking for. Unfortunately, you can see the problem and why it was on sale. This is a picture of the paint dry. It was so splotchy after 4 coats. It wasn’t even the paint that was splotchy it was the gloss.
You can’t really see in this picture, but I didn’t scrape the stripes off before painting. I knew I should have, but I was feeling lazy. When I went to purchase some new paint, I decided it was a good time to take care of those stripes since they were still very noticeable. I went to Lowe’s and picked up some Valspar’s exterior paint, in Pantone’s Caberet.
Ooh la la! There is nothing plain about this Jane.
I also sprayed the silver handle:
It is still silver, but more of a brushed finish instead of a bright and shiny.