While I work on my post about Apalachicola, Florida, I will give you some eye candy.
I did a little driving almost every day to make it to a friend’s house tomorrow. It is 10 hours from Apalach. On the way I stopped at no less than 4 dog shelters. There are dogs every where and Apalach and I was jonesing for another. Ever since I got The Beast, I knew I would have another dog. Mainly because I didn’t think I was keeping Beasley.
Ever since I put Tux down, it just hasn’t been the same. He was a one of a kind. Lola has not been herself. She doesn’t like Beasley very much, mainly because he sits on her and runs her over. They also don’t get to sleep in my bed because Beasley is too ridiculous.
I also wanted another dog because Beasley doesn’t know how to play with any dogs. He is scared of everything and I wanted a big brother to show him how to be a dog.
Finally, when I went to Fort Walton Beach, Florida, I went to the PAWS animal shelter. It was one of the best shelters I have ever seen. The dogs were in kennels with two or three other dogs. They worked really hard to make sure I got a dog that was a good fit.
When I adopted Tux, the Humane Society did not want to give him to me. I had to go 3 times to get him. And cry. I was in love with that dog on first site.
At PAWs, there were three dogs. Two older and one puppy. I only picked out the puppy because he was extremely adorable. The woman at the shelter did not want me to get an older dog. She was afraid Beasley would immediately attack the other dog just bringing him in the room. I tried to explain he has never immediately attacked a dog and if he snaps at another dog, as soon as I say, “No!” he backs down.
She wasn’t buying it though. She even went so far as to say I would have to bring Beasley back over several days to introduce him to even the puppy before they would adopt to me. I definitely didn’t have time for that. She brought the puppy in and we had the dogs smell each other. We talked some more and I told her my plan for introducing the dogs. I guess she liked what I had to say because she didn’t say anything else about the multiple trips.
I ended up adopting the puppy, but he had to stay and get fixed.
After the shelter, I walked around the town. I came across this dog shop:
That’s my new life.
On the way to pick up the puppy I could not believe what I had done. I didn’t even want a puppy. I wanted an older dog. One that didn’t chew or pee on my floor.
Then, they brought the puppy out, still loopy from surgery. What a baby! On the way home I felt like everything was exactly as it should be. With cloud based veterinary management software, you can get regular updates from your vet regarding regular checks etc.
I have had my moments over the last day, where I thought I ruined Beasley and Lola’s life. I took the three of them to Petsmart and watched the puppy go up to everyone and every thing. He isn’t afraid of anything. Then, after I stopped for the night, I watched Beasley warm up to him and stop running away. Yes, my 75+ lb dog is scared of a tiny puppy. I watched them kind of start to play and Lola even got in on it. Granted she was barking and trying to stop the fun, as usual, but her tail was wagging so I don’t think her heart was all in.
Watching this puppy, I see how far Beasley has come and I am remembering all the things I have to “look forward to.”
I understand that I am responsible for my dogs, and I am sure they will never harm anyone. If you got a personal injury from a dog, check this out. Every person must protect their rights.
I have more to post about Fort Walton, but for now, I will leave you with this: