So, I made the leap. I said, “Gosh dang it, I’m going to pack up first thing, find a place for breakfast, and get my adventure back.” And that’s what I did. I made my way down the road to a little town I knew I would be visiting, even if just for a day.
When I was looking up Woodlake, near SopChoppy, I read about this town and thought it sounded great. Little did I know. I stopped at a fantastic diner, which I will link to in 2 weeks after I have moved on. I had a nice view and lemon pancakes.
This does not do the view justice.
Then I even found a little parking lot that I had my fingers crossed I could stay for a night, maybe the weekend if they were really friendly. I took the dogs for a walk in the sun and I was happy as could be. I had barely seen the town, but already felt like staying forever.
On the first walk I saw a sign for an art gallery. I put the dogs in the RV and walked over. The owner was lovely and told me a little bit about the area and some of the artist she represents. When I walked out of the door, I noticed a blue Volkswagen sitting in front with the driver door wide open. I didn’t see anyone around so I called back into the gallery asking the owner if it was hers. She laughed and said the area was so safe it wasn’t really a big deal. She wasn’t worried at all, but did let me close the door on my way by.
With a little bounce in my step I went back to the RV and started cleaning/organizing. I finished the bedroom before I became too antsy. I looked up the nearest book store and, you won’t believe this. It was a book store AND a yarn store. Seriously. I’m having heart palpitations just thinking about it. I know what you are thinking. What are you going to do with more books and yarn when you don’t even have your RV organized with what you have?!!! Exactly. But, I just finished S Is For Silence and I was desperate for T Is For Trespass. Those books are how I put myself to sleep when I don’t have true crime T.V. to watch. In the best possible sense. Plus, yarn. Of course I talked myself into going. On the way, I stopped at another gallery and met some very lovely people. I didn’t ask if I could put them on here, but I will link to the gallery in 2 weeks as well. We talked for so long and they gave me the scoop on an area that I can park in as long as I want! Say what?! They also told me the Piggly Wiggly has some of the best breakfast, lunch, and dinner take out for $4.99. Holler.’
I have yet to make it to the book store, but I’m working on it. I took the dogs for another walk at the new location, let the beast play in the water, and ate my Piggly Wiggly ribs and apple pie.
My bedroom view for the first several days.
Such a little sleepykins after playing in the water.
It has been quite a few days since I wrote the above post. I have since made my office a little coffee shop. Not only is there a quiet corner and good coffee, but they also have really fast internet for downloading episodes of Downton Abbey. I usually go to a library for that sort of thing, but no one else is in the coffee shop when I download. I really needed my fix. You see, when you get Downton Abbey from iTunes or Amazon, after a few weeks you get the entire season immediately. So last year, I watched the whole thing in a couple of days and had to wait an entire year. Alas, I am about to do the same thing this year.
I have also been on aforementioned boat ride up the Apalach river, bought a bike and road until I was saddle sore, had the “Best Fish Sandwich In The World” (and it was), walked in the warm sunshine, completed two paintings, fixed a leak in the AC (more on that later), learned how to use Movie Maker, made a tri-pod for my phone out of a foam cup, started my generator, finished T Is For Trespass and started U Is For Undertow, been to the book store, had wonderful fish tacos, so many more experiences I’m forgetting.
Where I am parked has a huge open lot and people bring their dogs all day long. Sometimes Beas gets to go out and play with the other pups or chase seagulls or just be a dog. Sometimes, now that I have parked a different direction, I let the door open and they can go in and out. I have a full view of all in coming vehicles on the opposite side of the RV from the door. Luckily, my dogs never go far.
I really love this town, although I am beginning to feel the itch.
Sounds like you found your Honolee! Tell Jackie Paper I said hi! You go Pippy, have fun and be safe!
I’m having so much fun, Jeff.
Sounds like you’ve found a great place to stay for awhile.
I have and I highly recommend it for any future RV adventures.