I was so unbelievably depressed last night. It rained all day and it was cold and my battery kept dying (which is a cardinal sin in full-timing) so I didn’t get a lot of heat. Luckily the dogs slept with me and kept me so warm I didn’t need the half of my blanket they stole from me.
The kids were actually quiet most of the day. They were in their RV. I relaxed all day. I read a book and flopped around in my pajamas.
Then the other neighbor came. The one that left his camper at the site all week, even though he wasn’t using it. Rude. Well, he turned on some outside light, but it was like a bare light bulb and left it on all day/night. It was shining right into my RV. Then, in the middle of the night, I wake up because he has backed up his car and the music is playing (not for too long) and the tail lights are shining right into my room. There was also the chunk of the afternoon where the kids were running around outside and yelling and the two neighbors were behind my RV talking. I wouldn’t care so much, but it seemed to foreshadow my whole weekend.
Exibit A
(Yes, that is exactly how they left their campsite all week. *side eye)
So, I can’t sleep. I’m cold, I’m irritable. The last thing I want is to deal with rude people in close proximity to me for 3 days. I went to the back woods of Florida for a reason. Not to mention, every piece of electronic I own is dead so I can’t even read myself to sleep. I can’t turn on a light to read a paper book because the battery is dead.
Earlier in the day I was feeling pretty smug that I had didn’t seem to need solar panels or a generator.
Now, I could have gone out in the cold rain and put my generator on and started it up before 10 pm, but did you read the part about the cold rain?
So I laid there and stewed for awhile in my warm grumpy bed.
If only I had bought the small RV I could park in a regular spot. If only I had gone to Arizona. If only someone was with me. If only Beasley would get off the covers.
The real question was, do I stay here all weekend or do I get up and move on?
I knew I had another week and a half of free parking. It’s not like I couldn’t deal with the too close, too loud neighbors. I’m a big girl and I’ve had enough neighbors to handle it, at least with gritted teeth.
But this isn’t my ultra cool, ultra fun adventure I’ve been dreaming about for years.
What’s a girl to do?
Hi, I followed a link from your Wetcanvas post on the February Still Life challenge to your blog. How long have you been camping in your RV? Is it an extended amount of time? My husband always talks of doing that someday when he is retired. We have a 13 foot Scamp, but know we would have to get something a bit bigger if we really went for his dream. I hope everything turned out well. We are in the northeast, expecting big, big snow tonight. I hope you are in a warm and sleet, rain and snow free place. Happy painting and camping. And oh, by the way, your still life was beautiful. Kathy (catjoe)
Thank you, Kathy.
I have been living full-time for about 3 weeks now. I am hoping to do it long term, at least until my student loans are paid off. I highly recommend it, even though there is definitely a learning curve. Even though I lived in the RV for 6 months while working on it, it is much different when moving from place to place. It is not rain free today, but I am warm. Careful in the snow and hopefully it doesn’t last long.
Thanks for the comment.
Fight the good fight Pippy!! You are very strong and remember…a bad day at a rainy camp site is still better then a day in the life of a SLSB employee!!
Yea! A real comment and not just spam. Just wait Jeff, just wait.
I’m still fighting, and yes, you are so right!