Like the previous two years, we stopped in Kentucky for a week. The dogs were in heaven. So was I. Due to the warm weather, the trails were pretty crowded. We only had one day with them to ourselves, so we decided to improvise and I showed them how I played when I was a kid. We don’t need no stinkin’ trails. Off to venture in the woods we went.
I mean, look at those faces!
I didn’t even realize I took this photo until I was scrolling through for something to post. He’s just so happy, he wants to eat my face.
Since I was late getting started I discovered why I did not go to The Brass Lantern the first year. They close for January. The picture makes it look way classier than it is, however, it is still delicious. I was sad to have missed it. I was seriously looking forward to it for a month.
I still had a great time and of course, here’s your yearly Buffalo shots:
Lola wants to get her some of that. This noisy runt did not make a peep during the whole tour. Normally, she barks her head off, but these giants had her mesmerized. Well, this one was a baby. She totally thought she could take him. They were so close this time. It was ah-mazing.
Look at them all! And the elk, oh my goodness. So many elk. This was actually the color of the light. Isn’t Kentucky wonderful?
I may have to do an entire post of the dogs running through the woods. They are wonderfully hilarious when they aren’t destroying my house.
I’m safely in Florida and I’m not moving for a few days, at least. I have to get this RV back in shape as well as catch up on my 30 paintings in 30 days. As much as I truly love being in the middle of the woods in Kentucky, I sure am glad for 50+ degree weather and so much sun it hurts.